14th Scientific Day of the MRI-INT Centre : “Neuroimaging beyond the cortex"

The MRI-INT Center is organizing its annual scientific day on Friday, October 20 at Cerimed. This year’s theme is 'Neuroimaging beyond the cortex’ and will be an awesome opportunity to discover various aspects of imaging the cerebellum, the basal ganglia, and the spinal cord. It will feature talks by international, national, and local experts in the field.

Program :

  • 9h : Welcome, presentation of the MRI-INT Center & introduction
  • Spinal cord session
    • 09.15 : Virginie Callot (CRMBM-Aix-Marseille University) : “Ultra-High Field spinal cord MR imaging : Opportunities ... and challenges !”
    • 10.00 : Nawal Kinany (Geneva university – EPFL) : “Unravelling the functional architecture of the spinal cord using fMRI”
    • 10.30 : Raphaëlle Schlienger (LNC- Aix-Marseille University) : “Mapping human proprioceptive projections of upper limb muscles using spinal cord fMRI”
  • 11.00 : Coffee break & Posters session
  • Cerebellum session
    • 11.30 : Anila D’Mello (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center & University of Texas at Dallas) : “The cerebellum in cognition, development and disorders”
  • 12.15 : Lunch break & Posters session
    • 14.15 : Wietske Van Der Zwaag (Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging) : “High-field & high-resolution imaging of the anatomy and motor function of the cerebellum”
  • Basal ganglia session
    • 15.00 : Sonja Kotz (Basic and Applied NeuroDynamics Laboratory, Maastricht University) : “Measuring uncertainty and expectation in basal ganglia circuits using high-field fMRI”
    • 15.45 : Bénédicte Ballanger (Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon) : “Subcortical dysfunctions in Parkinson’s disease: beyond the basal ganglia and dopamine, the question of the locus coeruleus and noradrenaline”
    • 16.15 : Damiano Terenzi (INT- Aix-Marseille University) : “The influence of the presence of a peer on inhibition control in cocaine dependence and its neurobiological substrate”
  • 16.45 : Cocktail & Posters session


Registration is free but mandatory.    

Please register for the 14th annual scientific day fMRI meeting by Friday 13th October 2023.

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We encourage all students and post-docs to present posters of their MRI studies, whatever the brain regions of interest.

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